Inner Mask Supports, Set of 10


Like a/c for your mask. This 3D frame lifts the mask away from your nose and mouth without affecting coverage. Prevents direct contact with fabric so there's no uncomfortable, restrictive feeling. And discourages heat and moisture buildup to ensure cool comfort. Helps keep eyeglasses from fogging and prevents lipstick from rubbing off and staining. Hooks attach to the underside of the mask. For reusable and disposable masks. Set of 10 in polyethylene; hand wash.Not intended for medical protection.
  • This set of 10 Inner Mask Supports will be your new favorite face mask accessory
  • Slipping inside your mask, this clear face mask inner support frame helps hold your face mask away from your mouth
  • The mask gives you more space and lets you breathe more easily and avoid skin irritation while wearing a face covering
  • Protecting makeup, lip balm and lipstick from rubbing off, the internal support holder works with both disposable and cloth style masks
  • Safe, washable and reusable mask support is made of 100% PE
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