Felt Candy Cane Tote


Sized for gifts of chocolates, homemade treats, candles and other hard-to-wrap items. Present your Christmas gifts in a colorfully decorated holiday reusable tote for an extra special touch! Made from colorful felt and embellished with embroidery, sequins, buttons and other fun accents. Sturdy enough to serve as a festive carryall after the gift-giving, with sturdy straps and a roomy interior for personal belongings. 7"W x 8"H x 2"D. Imported.
  • Sized for hard-to-wrap items Felt embellished with embroidery, sequins, buttons and more
  • Sturdy enough to serve as a festive carryall
  • 7"W x 8"H x 2"D
  • Imported
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