Round Bird Feeder


Seed stays dry and ready for enjoyment… in this round, covered bird feeder. The large canopy keeps the seed section and feeding trough dry and clean. Storage compartment replenishes with fresh seed as it's eaten so there's always a ready supply. Perch rings all around provide a rest for birds as they peck and preen. Made from polypropylene and polystyrene with adjustable nylon hanging cord. Clear, covered bird feeder lets you see at a glance when seeds are low. To refill, just lift the lid. 7"H x 7"dia.
  • Large canopy keeps the seed section and feeding trough dry
  • Storage compartment replenishes with fresh seed
  • Perch rings all around provide a rest
  • Polypropylene and polystyrene
  • Adjustable nylon hanging cord
  • 7"H x 7"dia.
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